March 2023
2023 Philly St. Patrick’s Day Sashing @ LIVE
The Philadelphia Saint Patrick’s Day Observance Association held the Sashing of the 2023 Parade Grand Marshal and Ring of Honor at LIVE Casino on Thursday March 9th. As a special surprise treat for Grand Marshal, Dan Harrell, his AOH flew in the lads from Saint Malachy’s Belfast, Ireland to perform. The look on his face, as he entered the hall and realized who was on the stage playing, was priceless and brought a tear of […] Read More
Derry Bishop Honors Philly Parade Grand Marshal
Philadelphia St. Patrick’s Day Parade Grand Marshal Dan Harrell has received many honors and plaudits on this side of the Atlantic. Now, the Most Reverend Donal McKeown, Bishop of Derry, has added his praise from the Emerald Isle.
March Proclaimed Irish Month in Philadelphia
At City Hall in Philadelphia on Thursday, there was a wreath laying at the plaque honoring the Friendly Sons and Daughters of St. Patrick, and Irish flag raising. Proclamations were read in the Mayor’s Reception Room by City Council members officially declaring March as Irish Month in the City Of Philadelphia.
Ceili Dancing, Anyone?
Noreen Donahue Mcaleer and Megan Glanz started teaching adult ceili lessons at the MacSwiney Club in Jenkintown. I popped in one Wednesday and was surprised. There was a room full of young women that I had never seen before. Noreen told me they were mostly neighborhood women out spending time together, learning something knew. I’m came away impressed. Ideally, I would like to see the old-time ceili dances come back, where young people can dance […] Read More
InBy Denise Foley
How To Be Irish in Philly This Week, Part 2
The Philadelphia St. Patrick’s Day Parade will be greening up the city on Sunday, March 12, rain or shine (or as Parade Director Michael Bradley likes to say, “sunshine or liquid sunshine.” Dan Harrell, for decades head custodian at The Palestra and patron of the students at St. Malachy’s College in Belfast, will be leading the parade as grand marshal following a Mass at St. Patrick’s Church. Other parades on the weekend: Bucks County, Hamilton Township, […] Read More
Song of the Week: Singer-songwriter Rob Curto Sings “Ersatz Angel”
Rob Curto is a current recipient of the Traditional Arts Apprenticeship Grant from the Pennsylvania Council for the Arts, which provides funding to further deepen his study of the Irish button accordion alongside his teacher and mentor, Billy McComiskey. Along with Irish traditional music, Rob, who lives in Philadelphia, performs a variety of international music, including Brazilian dance and Klezmer music. He often performs with local musicians, including Hollis Payer, John Byrne, and Tim Buchanan, […] Read More
2023 Springfield St. Patrick’s Day Fundraiser
Delco sure knows how to throw a party. The Philadelphia St. Patrick’s Day Observance Association hosted its annual fundraising event Sunday at the Springfield Country Club. With live music provided by Michael Boyce, John McGillian and Jimmy McGrory throughout, there was plenty of singing and carrying on. As always, one of the most anticipated parts of the event was the scone baking contest. The party also featured a best-dressed children contest, where everyone was given […] Read More
Saint Patrick’s Parade and New Grand Marshal are “On the One Road” in Conshohocken
Escorted by Irish Thunder Pipes and Drums in a ceremony Saturday night at Spring Mill Banquet Hall, Frank Burton was officially welcomed as grand marshal of the 2023 St. Patrick’s Day parade in Conshohocken. 2022 Grand Marshal Bobby Whitmore passed the title over to Burton, with the honorary sash and walking stick. Jim Gallagher was the ball’s master of ceremonies and parade chairman. Rae Dispaldo was the ball chairman. Father Bill Grogan led the opening […] Read More
Meet Dan Harrell, Philly’s St. Patrick’s Day Parade Grand Marshal
Dan Harrell is one of my favorite people in the Irish community and this year I and thousands of others will get to watch him lead one of the oldest parades in the United States, the Philadelphia’s St. Patrick’s Day Parade. Dan is a big, burly man, possessing many amazing talents yet always quick to laugh at himself. Born in Philadelphia’s Presbyterian Hospital on December 4, 1943, to Agnes Bridget McDaid (Drimarone, County Donegal) and James Oliver […] Read More
When the Saints Come Marching In
Father Edward J. Sourin founded the Catholic Philopatrian Literary Institute in December 1850. Since then, the Philo, as it is called, has focused on a particular mission: to support traditional and non-traditional Catholic education throughout the Philadelphia region. The Sourin Award was created in 1960 to recognize individuals who have followed the example of Father Sourin in dedicating their lives to the implementation of their Catholic faith in their family lives, their businesses, and in […] Read More
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