All posts from Jeff Meade
Song of the Week: Mary Courtney Sings “The Patriot Game”
Singer Mary Courtney appeared at the 2015 Philadelphia Ceili Group Festival. We were fortunate to have the camera running when she sang the brilliant and heartbreaking tune, “The Patriot Game.” Dominic Behan, younger brother of Brendan Behan, wrote the tune, released in 1958. The melody comes straight from a folk song called “One Morning in May,” but the lyrics could hardly be more different. “The Patriot Game” relates the story of a young Irish Republican […] Read More
Producers of “Where Eagles Fly,” Hope New Musical Can Take Wing Here
Many Irish Americans have a good sense of where they come from. Were it not for their ancestors’ emigration from the Emerald Isle over the last several centuries, 32 million of us wouldn’t be here at all. They fled poverty and persecution, making a treacherous journey, seeking better opportunities an ocean away from their homeland. Many of them landed in Philadelphia and spread out across the country. But not everyone knows their story, and the […] Read More
In on the Ground Floor with Ambler Celtic Strings
The musicians of Ambler Celtic Strings are assembled in the community room of the Wissahickon Valley Public Library branch in Ambler, hemmed in by lime green plastic stacking chairs, and they’re running through the set list for their first gig at Jenkintown’s MacSwiney Club. As it happens with most practices, some of the tunes are a little rough around the edges, needing a few tweaks here and there, but fiddlers Bruce Fenderson and Aine O’Sullivan, […] Read More
Friendly Sons & Daughters of Saint Patrick Celebrate at 252nd Gala
Members of the Friendly Sons & Daughters of Saint Patrick celebrated in black-tie—and often kilted—style Saturday night, packing the banquet room of the Philadelphia Country Club in Gladwyne. The organization, founded in 1771, promotes Irish culture and education, and has a philanthropic mission. Among the invitees were special guest speaker John Crowley, executive chairman of Amicus Therapeutics. Crowley is the subject of a book by Geeta Anand, “The Cure: How a Father Raised $100 Million […] Read More
Derry Bishop Honors Philly Parade Grand Marshal
Philadelphia St. Patrick’s Day Parade Grand Marshal Dan Harrell has received many honors and plaudits on this side of the Atlantic. Now, the Most Reverend Donal McKeown, Bishop of Derry, has added his praise from the Emerald Isle.
Saint Patrick’s Parade and New Grand Marshal are “On the One Road” in Conshohocken
Escorted by Irish Thunder Pipes and Drums in a ceremony Saturday night at Spring Mill Banquet Hall, Frank Burton was officially welcomed as grand marshal of the 2023 St. Patrick’s Day parade in Conshohocken. 2022 Grand Marshal Bobby Whitmore passed the title over to Burton, with the honorary sash and walking stick. Jim Gallagher was the ball’s master of ceremonies and parade chairman. Rae Dispaldo was the ball chairman. Father Bill Grogan led the opening […] Read More
Looking Back at Philly St. Patrick’s Parades Past
These photos were taken over the years by Denise Foley, Gwyneth MacArthur and Jeff Meade. They cover many years of Philadelphia St. Patrick’s Day parade, from 2006 on until 2022 (with a two-year gap for covid). You’ll see dancers, pipers, grand marshals, cute faces on the parade route and on the sidelines–along with some old familiar faces, some of them long gone but still remembered and cherished. We will let the photographs do the talking […] Read More
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