Photo Gallery
Welcome to Céilí’s Village
“It takes a village to raise a child” is a proverb that means that an entire community of people must provide for and interact positively with children for those children to experience and grow in a safe and healthy environment. There has been something very special going on this month of April for a special family and very special little girl. My friend Raymond Coleman has been playing his usual mad schedule of gigs but […] Read More
2023 Celtic Flame Dance Recital
The 19th Annual Dance Recital was held yesterday in St. Anselms Hall in the Parkwood section of Philadelphia. There were jigs and reels in gillies and hard-shoe performed by dancers from 2 year olds to adults. It doesn’t get any cutier than watching the wee ones doing the Unicorn song complete with a Unicorn. The audience loved it. Many of the older dancers started as little ones themselves and are always helping with the beginners. […] Read More
Isle of Erin celebrates their 100th
On Saturday April 15th,2023,the Isle of Erin performed their 100th Exemplification of the Major Degrees of the Order Ceremony. It took place at Upper Merion Vantage Academy in Bridgeport Pennsylvania.There was a full house as 48 AOH members form various Divisions made their Degrees with as many AOH Brothers in attendance as Observers. The Irish Thunder Pipes and Drum and Montgomery County AOH Honor Guard lead the candidates into the hall. The Degree Team performed […] Read More
No pads, No fear, just brute strength, skilled tactics and a little speed, that is what was on display Saturday at College Settlement Park in Horsham. I was surprised to see the range of age in the players and the athleticism of men this size who look like they would be more comfortable sitting in a pub than pushng, pulling there way down a pitch on a nice Saturday afternoon. Sorry I couldn’t stay for […] Read More
In on the Ground Floor with Ambler Celtic Strings
The musicians of Ambler Celtic Strings are assembled in the community room of the Wissahickon Valley Public Library branch in Ambler, hemmed in by lime green plastic stacking chairs, and they’re running through the set list for their first gig at Jenkintown’s MacSwiney Club. As it happens with most practices, some of the tunes are a little rough around the edges, needing a few tweaks here and there, but fiddlers Bruce Fenderson and Aine O’Sullivan, […] Read More
2023 Irish Memorial St. Patrick’s Day Ceremony
Philadelphia’s Irish gathered at the Memorial to remember those that were starved to death in Ireland by oppressors and the many that travelled on what was known as Coffin Ships to America. Today we paid homage to their courage and fortitude.
Friendly Sons & Daughters of Saint Patrick Celebrate at 252nd Gala
Members of the Friendly Sons & Daughters of Saint Patrick celebrated in black-tie—and often kilted—style Saturday night, packing the banquet room of the Philadelphia Country Club in Gladwyne. The organization, founded in 1771, promotes Irish culture and education, and has a philanthropic mission. Among the invitees were special guest speaker John Crowley, executive chairman of Amicus Therapeutics. Crowley is the subject of a book by Geeta Anand, “The Cure: How a Father Raised $100 Million […] Read More
When the Saints Come Marching In
Father Edward J. Sourin founded the Catholic Philopatrian Literary Institute in December 1850. Since then, the Philo, as it is called, has focused on a particular mission: to support traditional and non-traditional Catholic education throughout the Philadelphia region. The Sourin Award was created in 1960 to recognize individuals who have followed the example of Father Sourin in dedicating their lives to the implementation of their Catholic faith in their family lives, their businesses, and in […] Read More
Setting the Bar High
This year’s Philadelphia St. Patrick’s Day grand marshal, Dan Harrell, set the bar high for all future GMs. In fashion, with his custom-made jacket and his embroidered cap, he is certainly a fancy Dan. To top it off, yesterday he threw a fundraiser for the St. Patrick’s Day Parade at the New Deck Tavern in University City. The event started with a 0.317k Run, Jog or Walk (without spilling your drink) contest, going around the […] Read More
The 2023 IABCN Ambassador Awards
The Irish American Business Chamber of Philadelphia presents the Ambassador Awards every year to outstanding organizations and individuals who contribute to making this a better world we live in. This year’s awards were presented by Her Excellency Geraldine Byrne Nason, the Ambassador of Ireland to the United States, to Dr. Chris Domes, president of Neumann University, accepting the Ambassador Award on behalf of the university. The Taoiseach Award was presented to John Cummins and Adele […] Read More
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